
Monday, April 28, 2014


Many of you have walked with us through the past few years and know our story and how we came to the decision to adopt. But for those who don't know our story, here is a not-so-brief synopsis of our journey and decision.

In 2005 Dave and I got married, and I remember having a big discussion about the possibility of starting a family. I (Jen) was very adamant about having ZERO children. Then as the months went on we revisited the idea of family and thought of the many children locally and internationally that needed a home. We thought, even if we didn't want our own kids "It would be great to provide a home for someone who needs one." We put the idea aside with the intent of revisiting it down the road.

A few years later we revisited the family idea again, this time with the hope and desire of becoming pregnant. After many months of trying (and being in our mid thirties) our doctor recommended that we start testing for fertility issues. It was a few months of multiple specialists telling us there was a zero per cent chance of conception and that we should explore the world of adoption. We were broken. We grieved for months. Unable to move forward with anything else.

It was during this grieving process that we eventually revisited the idea of adopting locally. But our research left us even more devastated with what was being described as a 6 year waiting list with no guarantees and a large price tag. It was then that we decided to move on from the idea of having a family and move forward as a couple in whatever way we could. We didn't get very far. A connection, a conversation and a somewhat spontaneous meeting with a Ukranian adoption agency in the city opened the door for a new possibility. 

People often ask us why the Ukraine? A big part of it was the timing of connecting with a good program, more guarantees and the promise of a smoother process. But it also has personal value. Jen's side of the family is Ukranian and currently have no grandchildren. This provided us with a way to keep their heritage alive.

It was about a year and a half ago that we signed on the dotted line to start the adoption. The promise of a smooth process has been plagued with complications and certainly the financial challenges that follow. It is hard to know when to publicize this sort of journey, as we desired to wait until we had a bit more certainty about when we would be going. Even in starting this list the process was stalled yet again. But we can feel it getting closer to reality and God has continued to provide. The hope is that we will receive a date in May and leave in June. That has yet to be seen. But in the meantime we look forward to inviting each of you in on this journey with us as we get excited about the possibilities the future can hold.